Help the Campaign!

Here are some, but not all of the things you can do to help the Nobody campaign.  It’s all-volunteer, like a good grass-roots campaign should be, so please bring your unique talents to the table and create something cool, and most importantly, don’t ask Nobody’s permission – just do it and feel free to let us know.

Promote the Campaign:

Put Up a Yard Sign:  They are available for pickup in Keene or anytime you see Nobody at a campaign appearance, he’ll have them.  Want to make your own Elect Nobody signs?  Here are the graphics you can send to your favorite sign printer, wherever you live.

Write a Letter to the Editor: Tell your local newspaper why you’re supporting Nobody.

Call Local Talk Radio:  Your local talk station’s local hosts should be told about Nobody and encouraged to interview him.

Share Nobody’s campaign news on social media:  Whether it’s memes you’ve made or headlines about the campaign, thank you for sharing them.


Communicate with other Nobody Supporters:

Chat:  If you’re interested in helping elect Nobody in New Hampshire, please join our Telegram Chat room at  Telegram is an internationally popular free chat client and it’s very useful for communicating with groups and personally.

Forum:  A more topical, organized way of communicating with other supporters of Nobody.  You will need to post an introduction in the Introduce Yourself area in order to get access to the Elect Nobody forum.  That helps keep out the spam robots.  You can join the Shire Society Forum here and say hello!.